Dezvoltarea activitatii productive in cadrul MILKPACT SRL prin realizarea de investitii tehnologice
Data: 2024-10-10
MILKPACT SRL, cu sediul social în sat Liveni, comuna Livezeni, str. Lungă, nr. 35, judeÈ›ul Mures, cod poÈ™tal 547365, România, cod de identificare fiscală RO 5934367, înregistrată la Registrul ComerÈ›ului sub nr. J26/635/1994, anunță demararea implementării proiectului „Dezvoltarea activității productive în cadrul MILKPACT SRL prin realizarea de investiÈ›ii tehnologice”, în baza contractului de finanÈ›are nr. 4/208/PTJ_P6 din 26.09.2024, încheiat cu Ministerul InvestiÈ›iilor È™i Proiectelor Europene, în calitate de Autoritate de Management pentru Programul TranziÈ›ie Justă, È™i AgenÈ›ia pentru Dezvoltare Regională Centru, în calitate de Organism Intermediar pentru Programul TranziÈ›ie Justă.
Perioada de implementare a proiectului este cuprinsă în perioada 27.09.2024 – 26.09.2025.
Valoarea totală a proiectului este 2.826.170,63 lei, din care valoarea finanțării nerambursabile este de 1.652.392,94 lei.
Obiectivul general al proiectului este:
Cresterea competitivitatii intreprinderii MILKPACT SRL, prin dezvoltarea tehnologica a intreprinderii, crearea de noi locuri de munca si dezvoltarea competentelor personalului.
Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul de Tranzitie Justa, prin Programul Tranzitie Justa.
Livezeni, str. Lungă, nr. 35, județul Mures. 0744.602.144. milkpact.productie@gmail.com
About Us ...

MILKPACT has been established in 1994 as a Romanian-Dutch joint venture with privately owned capital. The idea behind this investment was a niche product at first appearance by that time on the Romanian market: the chocolate glaze used in the production of the ice cream bars. The activity has been inaugurated in April 1995, when the first quantity of chocolate glaze was delivered to an ice cream factory in Romania. In the following years, the company has diversified its production. In addition to the chocolate glazes for ice cream, belonging to the so called “Icepact” range, a large number of new items have been developed for the confectionery industry and the production of sweets, like the “Patipact” coatings, compounds and chocolates, as well as the “Paticrem” range of spreads.

“There is nothing better than a friend,
unless it is a friend with chocolate.”
- Linda Grayson -
About Us ...

MILKPACT has been established in 1994 as a Romanian-Dutch joint venture with privately owned capital. The idea behind this investment was a niche product at first appearance by that time on the Romanian market: the chocolate glaze used in the production of the ice cream bars. The activity has been inaugurated in April 1995, when the first quantity of chocolate glaze was delivered to an ice cream factory in Romania. In the following years, the company has diversified its production. In addition to the chocolate glazes for ice cream, belonging to the so called “Icepact” range, a large number of new items have been developed for the confectionery industry and the production of sweets, like the “Patipact” coatings, compounds and chocolates, as well as the “Paticrem” range of spreads.